2021 Publications

Aims of Thamil”pavai publications

It is expected to publish 1000 books through thamil”pa*vai alaphabet within five years

Expecting Publications in 2021

a) thamil” a*sa*n’ (the Thamil teacher)

This book contains the easy thamil grammar and two sets of vocabulary containing of 4000 – 5000 words  

1) thamil”pa*vai – thamil”pa*vai – thamil – English

2) English – thamil”pa*vai

b) Textbooks for Thamil language from grade one to grade six

All subjects and expiations will be obtained through Thamil and thamil”pa*vai alphabets

c) Vocabulary book

thamil”pa*vai – thamil”pa*vai – thamil – English

d) Vocabulary book

English – thamil”pa*vai

e) thirukkural’

will obtain through Thamil and thamil”pa*vai alphabets with English explanations

f) Small story books through thamil”pa*vai alphabets

g) poems /songs through thamil”pa*vai alphabets

h) thamil” proverbs through thamil”pa*vai alphabets
